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Writer's pictureDr. Lisa Cortez

Cracking the Code to Stress Reduction: Healthy Ways to Minimize Stress

In our fast-paced lives, stress has become an inseparable companion. Living with Anxiety, makes it even harder to ever feel that sense of relaxation, sometimes we can't remember what that feels like. Juggling, work, relationships, personal goals, and sometimes anxiety, often leads to elevated stress levels, impacting our well-being and of course making our anxiety worse.

So, what can we do to help minimize stress? Whether you have anxiety, are on the road to recovery, just stressed or don't want stress to trigger you into an anxious spiral, this blog post is for you. By incorporating healthy strategies that work for you, we can effectively minimize stress and regain control of our lives. Let's explore some simple yet effective ways to embrace relaxation and find inner peace.

1.) Self-awareness: One of the most important things to master. In the pursuit of personal growth and self-improvement, this fundamental element often goes overlooked. It is the ability to keenly observe and understand ourselves-our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors without judgement or criticism. While it may sound simple, cultivating self-awareness is a transformative journey that has the potential to unlock our truest potential. Just sitting back and asking yourself, "WHAT DO I NEED?' Checking in with yourself, evaluating what isn't working for you and what you need, is easy but we never seem to do it. Learn to look within, learn to check in with yourself, learn to really listen to what you need. Learning to do this you'll learn so much about yourself. It offers deep insights into our strengths, weaknesses, and the areas for improvement. It allos us to gain clarity about our values, desires, and aspirations, enabling us to align our actions with our authentic selves. This is something we never learn to do. We live in world where society tells us what to do, what we should do. So ask yourself, "What do I truly want, what do I truly desire."

2.) Practice mindfulness: Mindfulness is the art of being fully present in the moment, without judgment. Take a few moments each day to sit quietly, focusing on your breath and observing your thoughts. Engaging in mindful activities such as meditation or yoga, can significantly reduce stress levels by calming both the mind and body.

3.) Get Plenty of SLEEP: Sleep is crucial to your overall health. Getting adequate sleep is important for maintaining optimal mental health. Sleep plays a vital role in various cognitive functions, including memory, concentration, and emotional regulation. When we sleep, our brains engage in essential processes that restore and rejuvenate our mental faculties. Lack of sleep not only impairs these functions, but it can also lead to increased stress, anxiety, and just overall irritability and frustration. Prioritizing quality sleep is a proactive step towards safeguarding our mental well-being. GET YOUR ZZZ's.

4.) Unplug and Disconnect: Yes, get off the GRAM and TIKTOK. Let's face it we ALL do it, when we rest, we tend to get on our phones, stroll through social media, check our emails, and just endlessly allow our mind to be stimulated. But is that rest? Our mind need to rest, and in our modern digital world, constant connectivity can contribute to stress. We don't allow our minds to rest. Take time each day to unplug from technology. Switch off notifications, set boundaries for screen time, and establish tech-free zones in your home. use this time to engage in hobbies, go for a walk in nature or simply embrace the silence. Disconnecting from screens allows your mind to recharge and find solace away from the business of the online world.

5.) Cultivate Healthy Relationships: Strong and supportive relationships are invaluable when it comes to managing stress. Surround yourself with supportive friends and family who uplift you and provide a safe space for expressing your feelings when you need that support. Schedule regular catch-ups with friends, family, or colleagues who bring you joy and support your well-being. Additionally, consider joining support groups, mentorships, or seek professional services from a mental health professional if needed. (I think we should all have a therapist, therapy can benefit everyone.)

5.) Incorporate Exercise into Your Routine: Move your Body! Exercise is a powerful stress-reducer, as it releases endorphins that boost mood and alleviate anxiety. Find a physical activity you enjoy, whether it's walking, swimming, dancing, or practicing a sport, and incorporate it into your routine. For those of you that have anxiety, start slow and remember your heartbeat will increase, don't let it scare you. If you haven't worked out in a while or done any physical activity, start slow with just walking 5-10 min and slowly increase the intensity if you'd like. Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise most days of the week, and you'll soon experience the remarkable benefits on both physical and mental health. But remember start slow, some exercise is better than nothing.

6.) LEARN TO SAY NO: Setting boundaries and learning to say NO when necessary is crucial for managing stress. Most of us "ANSIOSAS PERO PODEROSAS" anxious humans are PEOPLE PLEASERS, and we feel bad saying No. Prioritize your commitments and assess whether you have time and energy to take on additional tasks or responsibilities. Recognize that it's not selfish to put yourself on the list of prioritizes. And most people that love and support you, will understand. And know that sometimes the boundaries need to be set with our on selves. We sometimes put too much pressure on ourselves when no one else is.

Learn to give yourself GRACE!!!

You're human, not a ROBOT!

7.) And finally BREATHE!!! The Power of Breath Work is indescribable. Practice it, use it, harness it. Breath Work is simple, accessible, and highly effective solution available to us. Harnessing the power of our breath can be a game-changer when it comes to managing stress and anxiety. It helps balance our nervous system and helps activate our Para Sympathetic Nervous System, our Rest and Digest. It helps reduce the production of stress hormones such as cortisol, while increasing the levels of endorphins and other good hormones. Taking a few moments to deliberately regulate our breath can quickly shift our state of mind and bring us back to a place of calm. TRY IT!

In a world that often glorifies constant busyness, finding healthy ways to minimize stress is absolutely essential. Incorporate these practices into your daily routine, and other healthy techniques that work for you. Always remember, find what works for you. The power to reclaim control over your well-being and cultivate a life of peace and serenity is within YOU. Start today and make this year the best year yet.

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Dr. Lisa

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